Sunday, January 8, 2012

Houri Prelude: Act One

Lord Artoxares of the Paphlagonian, high council member from the Ahura Mazda, stood at the pedestal.  King Darius sat behind him on the throne.  Below the pedestal Lord Artoxares addressed the convention of several Satraps (governors), kings and ambassadors from allegiant kingdoms, and Magi from different clans.

“The time of reckoning has come.  This is the time where we unite against our common foe, the Angra Mainyu!”  Lord Artoxares thundered in the echoing great hall, with his forward-raised hand and outstretched palms gesticulating with excitement.

There were whispers across the room.  Kings whispered sideways on their chairs amongst themselves.  The ambassadors whispered amongst themselves.  The generals stood there unmoved, listening attentively.  While the magi whispered through their hoods.

“And it is this day that I beseech your cooperation.  This is the day we put aside all our past differences, in solidarity to fight against the looming threat.  If you have anything to say, say it now and we shall hear you and try to reach for a resolution.”

More whispers across the room.  Then the whispers died down when one robed magi stepped forwards.  He clutched a bow with intricate designs.  Instantly everyone recognized him from the Sagitarii clan.

“If I may speak,” he began, “I come with news of grief.  Our kinsmen are assassinated by the wretched order of the Angra Mainyu.  And we now seek to avenge our brothers’ passing to appease their souls.  But we alone are weak, and stand no chance against them.  Hence I implore you, everyone here to help us restore any ounce of dignity left in our clan!”

Another magi representative stepped forwards, this time bearing gauntlets, vambraces, spaulders and poleyns over their short robes.  The Aegis clan is known for their near-impenetrable defense magic.
“This is an outrage!  Our clan, too, have fall prey to the scheming Angra Mainyu.  Even with our best defense we still succumbed to their powerful dark arts.”  

“They have broken the sacred covenant of the Magi!” another mage commented, “we, Magi of the Covenant, have pledged on the non-aggression pact between clans outside of kingdom wars.  It is clear that they have broken the covenant and gone rogue.  They have to be eradicated.”

The whispers got louder every minute.  Lord Artoxares waved his hand calling a silence.

“It is clear to us now that the situation is grave.  We should not let the Angra Mainyu continue their bloodshed any longer!  King Darius has been magnanimous enough to offer his soldiers for this cause.  Let’s now unite under his banner and crush those vile beasts once and for all!”

There were great cheers in the hall.  The generals swung their swords high while the mages waved their staves.  The convention ended and the great doors opened to a tremendous crowd consisting of the allied armies led by their respective representatives, awaiting their leaders’ command.  The greatest battle in history loomed.