Saturday, August 1, 2009

Background info on characters

1. Main protagonist (the son) Remington von Steiner

  • 19 years old who studies in a Technology Institution.
  • Joins the Paranormal Studies and Investigations Society (PSI-society) as a fulfillment of his club activity credit hours.
  • Reason of joining the club: as an obligation to his father who founded the society.
  • Disbelieves in paranormal due to his disapproval of his father's delusion in the paranormal.
  • believes that the paranormal are actually a conspiracy act of the government to cover up certain scandals and atrocities.
  • Intends to actually debunk the myth of paranormal through the club (irony)
  • Works part-time as a research assistant in the Institute (to avoid any dependency on his father whom he disapproves).
  • Working in a research lab also to use scientific discovery to explain paranormal activities.
2. Main Protagonist (father)

  • 40 years old private investigator for paranormal cases
  • Strongly believes in paranormal and treat paranormal as part and parcel of life.
  • Reason for choice of job: to study paranormal activities and learn more about them.
  • Due to nature of his company, earns very little close to none. therefore earning disrespect from his son die to his obsession.
  • Tries all avenues to repair relationship with his son.
3. Supporting Character (the mother/ the wife)

  • also 40 years old, came from the same club as the father.
  • Strongly believes in paranormal but in a different way: the paranormal are being covered up by the government so as to use it to maintain power in the society.
  • Intends to infiltrate the government machinery to find out the truth regarding paranormal activities.
  • Job: prominent newscaster and journalist of the Government media.
  • Was being mind-controlled when found out about her intentions by the government. The side effect from the mind control was that she turned hostile against her own family.

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