Thursday, July 16, 2009

Background Story 2 (details)

“Before Ahsura” refers to the era before the Ahura Mazda gained significance in the world annals. At that time, the world is less sophisticated in governance, and there are over 5000 kingdoms not including several hundred thousand fiefs that have their own autonomy. There were constant wars during that era, and slowly kingdoms were being assimilated into empires.

At the end of that era, an advancement of a revolutionary movement suddenly cropped out and slowly developed into the first formal monotheistic religion, called Zoroastrianism, or more commonly called Mazdaism. They worshipped the God called Ahura Mazda, and started the era of “Amesha Spenta”. Mazdaism fast became a very powerful religion that persisted for many millenniums. There were rumours that the rapid rise of the religion goes back to legend of the Ahura Mazda clan of magicians who wielded power to manipulate the world, however that remains a legend testing to be proven.

The setting of the world will be parallel with our existing world, with a few alterations. As the world is fast forwarded to 3000 A.S., advancement in technology is at its peak and most things are automated. The world is still in constant conflict and gigantic armaments are produced. Coupled by the advancement in robotics technology, battle mechs are the common robots used in both warfare and also civilian security. The dominating religion is Mazdaism, worshipping Ahura Mazda as god. Most people are usually either atheists (bearing a large population of about 60%) or Masdanians (around 30% of the population), but there are also other beliefs which makes up the remaining composition.

The people in the new era of Amesha Spenta do not know the existence of magic as it is completely wiped out in the 1000 B.A. millennium. However, there are still some who knew the ancient art, and when performed, people mistook them for the supernatural and paranormal. The magic clans, thought to be completely wiped out, actually do have some of their descendants practicing in secret. The most prolific ones comes from the Ahura Mazda clan, and they used this ancient art to control the world most powerful protocols and manipulate them in favour to their family lineage.

However still, the destructive power of magic in the olden days barely competes with the battle mechs of the new era, and some do claim that battle mechs are the “new magic” themselves. Little is known that the Mazdanians actually have a big relation to the creation of the battle mech technology. The Mazdanians have created the technology for fear of the prophecy from 5000 years ago that the Angra Mainyu will resurface on the world (although the prophecy is only passed down through word, but Mazdanians believed it).

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